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Cynthia Alvarado, advocate and an Influencer on Instagram, shares her thoughts about the Women Lifers' Resume Project website and her critique of the women featured on it.  CLICK HERE

Sponsored by three Philadelphia representatives:  Jason Dawkins, Leslie Acosta, and Vanessa Brown.



 Few other nations authorize life without parole (LWOP).  Only three European nations have laws permitting life sentences for which the only mechanism for release is executive clemency.   There may be as few as 100 inmates serving LWOP in Europe.  Additionally, many countries in Latin America and Asia 

do not have LWOP as part of their penal code.  Even among those countries that do impose LWOP, the United States does so far more often than any other.  Pennsylvania had the second highest LWOP population in the nation as of 2008.  



The only difference between death and life without parole is one you kill me now; the other one you kill me later.  There's not even a shred of hope.

Representative Jason Dawkins

Representative Joanne McClinton

Representative Patty Kim

Representative Ed Gainey

"House Bill 2135 " Parole Eligibility Expansion for Lifers"   This bill calls for life with parole for all lifers and applies retroactively. call: Sen. Greenleaf 215-657-7700; 800-924-3300, Sen. Wagner 717-846-2828 & St. Rep. Marsico 717-652-3721; email They are sponsoring the bill, look into it."  



We must let our voices be heard.  Don't let this bill be ignored.  Write your Legislators.  Let them know you support House Bill 2135 and you want their support.  Click on the buttons below to find Legislators in your area.

 How to Support House Bill 135


Parole Eligibility for Lifers.  This bill calls for life with parole for all lifers and applies retroactively. Call: Sen. Greenleaf 215-657-7700; 800-924-3300, Sen. Wagner 717-846-2828 & St. Rep. Marsico 717-652-3721; email  They are sponsoring the bill, look into it".   READ MORE




Here's what you can do:

     1.  Find the names of your legislators.  Click HERE to to start the search for your legislators.



     2.  Write a letter that expresses your support of HB135.  Ask your legislators to also support this bill.  Or, select from one

          of the following letters which you may copy, add your contact information and mail to your legislators. 


                       LETTER TO LEGISLATORS - 1  (complements of WLRPPA) 


                       LETTER TO LEGISLATORS - 2 (complements of Let's Get Free)       






Posted:May 25, 2016 04:21 PM

From:Representative Jason Dawkins

To:All House members

Subject:Parole Eligibility Expansion for Life Sentences


In the near future, I will be introducing a bill that will abolish life without parole in Pennsylvania and extend parole eligibility to those sentenced to life imprisonment.
Few other nations authorize life without parole (LWOP).  Only three European nations have laws permitting life sentences for which the only mechanism for release is executive clemency.   There may be as few as 100 inmates serving LWOP in Europe.  Additionally, many countries in Latin America and Asia do not have LWOP as part of their penal code.  Even among those countries that do impose LWOP, the United States does so far more often than any other.  Pennsylvania had the second highest LWOP population in the nation as of 2008.
All life sentences in Pennsylvania are imposed without the possibility of parole.  This means that individuals sentenced to life imprisonment may not be considered for parole, no matter how much they have reformed themselves and no matter how unlikely they are to reoffend.  Those sentenced to LWOP in Pennsylvania also have no chance at release when they grow so ill or elderly they pose little to no risk to the public.  Not only does this represent an injustice to an individual who is a model inmate despite having no chance at life outside of prison, but it also creates an avoidable expense for the corrections system – and the taxpayers who fund it – by incarcerating individuals longer than necessary.
My legislation permits an individual sentenced to life imprisonment under the laws of this Commonwealth to be released on parole after spending at least 15 years in prison.  It also extends parole eligibility retroactively to those sentenced prior to the effective date of the legislation.  My bill creates no right to parole, and it will not allow our most dangerous inmates to go free.  Our Board of Probation and Parole will continue to responsibly reject requests for parole from those who do not deserve it, or who present too great a safety risk to the public.
Please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation so that we may give the Board of Probation and Parole discretion to consider the circumstances of each inmate serving a life sentence.



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